120 volunteers to protect animals and nature

2024 01 25

In autumn 2023, we invited colleagues to volunteer days again, this time with special programmes at each site focusing on protecting animals and nature. Even though the weather was not always kind and we had to postpone several activities, more than 120 colleagues took part in the events.

Green programmes

We organised a special programme for our colleagues in Budapest with the help of the Erdőmentők on the Hármashatárhegy: with the help of 40 volunteers, we assembled 80 dormouse burrows, 60 of which were immediately put out. In Hungary there are 3 species of dormice, all of them protected and endangered, due to the fact that conscious forest management has reduced the number of natural burrows (e.g. in decayed trees) that provide shelter and safe breeding places for the dormice. These are replaced by special dormouse burrows, which, after assembly, are placed by volunteers in the appropriate environment (bushy, sheltered area) and documented so that they can monitor the local dormouse population as part of the National Dormouse Protection Programme.

In Debrecen, our colleagues worked on tree planting in the protected natural area of Nagyerdő. The planting of saplings can only be done after the first frosts, so the volunteer programme could only take place in December, but our volunteers were not discouraged by the cold weather and planted 600 oak saplings in a few hours. The main problems of the Nagyerdő of Debrecen are drought, the degradation of old oak trees, the presence of invasive and non-native species and illegal dumping. The programme was organised in cooperation with the Nyírerdő Zrt., which restores 140 hectares of forest in the area every year.

In Pécs, our volunteers took part in the autumn planting of the Balokány Liget in the neighbourhood of the Zsolnay Negyed. The public park, which is being improved year after year with the help of civil society, is the venue of many community and cultural events. Even though the programme had to be postponed due to the weather, and there was rain on the same day, our colleagues still took part in the autumn work.

Volunteers at the animal shelters

50 of our colleagues visited the Noé Animal Shelter, the largest animal shelter in Budapest, to help with landscaping and cleaning, as well as painting and food sorting. The 8-hectare site is not just for rescuing pets, they also look after llamas, badgers, ponies, foxes and many more.

In Szeged, a small group of volunteers visited the Tappancs Alapítvány, and although it was raining that day, our colleagues worked with great enthusiasm. They were mainly busy with cleaning, but after all the hard work they also had time to walk the dogs and the staff gave a tour of the shelter.

At each site, we also organised a fundraising event for the animal shelters to support the programmes, with the volunteers taking the material donations with them as well. Due to the weather in Pécs, the programme planned at the Misina Alapítvány was postponed until spring.

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